Nothing is absolute but for some people, work is the only way to learn certain things like attitudes and responsibilities, the auto motor response, the importance of interacting with others, physical and mental exercise, the understanding that nothing is for free really, that all good things take work, the important method of mentally escaping from your problems through work. I've had people that in my weird situation on welfare that have literally begged me for work. The largest animal to the smallest organism work. All just want to know their place and what they are supposed to do. Some steal and lie but after time if they are competant they realize that it takes more work to do this and they might as well just go to work. They say that you should take your joy and turn it into your job but if it becomes your job then you may rob yourself of that secret joy. It may not be such a bad thing to learn to deal with situations that maybe you don't necessarily like. The first few times you have to do something difficult it's hard but after the 300th time... Marriage takes work. Work takes work. We can work it out. There are rich who's houses and lives are a mess because they don't work. There are poor who's houses are immaculate and their quality of life is impressive. This is because they work very hard.
So money is a symbol of work. We must feel sorry for those who just take money as "real" for their total lack of understanding. They don't see it as a tool like a hammer. I could be argued that a hammer could be as useful as money in the right hands.But people don't go crazy over a hammer like they do money. As they cannot see that it just a symbol and it is not real and Lives are going to fall apart. It will become a superficial symbol. Everything will turn green and they will find that it is though they are trapped, trapped in that pyramid with that eye staring at them like the judge that is their very selves.
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