Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Give to the poor rich guy? You are crazy!

I know it's hard to think that a rich man may need charity. One can barely afford a pair of shoes and you say to give to a guy who has everything. Okay so lets try looking at it this way then. A person is only as rich as what he can do for someone else. So some rich people are very lonely and are so tied up in investments that have gone bad right now that they are trapped in a miserable prison of their and society's making. So here is somebody who has everything and yet has nothing. He begins to realize that all his stuff most of it is just stuff and it breaks and decays and the final end he will be left with absolutely nothing. And all that stuff and responsibility is can just add more and more stress until he secretly begins to hate it after awhile and there might even be part of him that grows to hate it after awhile. He may secretly dream of watching all go up in flames. All of is real friends and family could be gone or maybe they've changed into something else. He is isolated by this protected world to the point that he can't even talk to the people he really cares about. People stop seeing him as a person really. They see him as an object that they can get things from. He may not even be there because he wants to be. He may be like you and someone said you have to do this for your friends and family. He is beyond miserable and yet he still keeps fighting everyday and never says a word. Constantly backstabbed and used and yet he gets up every morning and takes up his responsibility.  Surrounded by vampires and not a real friend in sight? No one he can trust.What do you think is going to happen to him after awhile? This is why I believe in some of the richest parts of the world that the suicide rate is highest. Many of the people that I have known that are rich they end up dying of something like Alzheimers because the stress just becomes too much for their brain.

Then there is the normal guy. No one wants anything from him because he doesn't have anything. He is still enslaved in some ways and yet he is free in others. If he gave this rich guy some friendship with no strings attached then that would be a great form of charity.  It would be priceless to this rich guy who is in a sense "starving" and just needs to be "fed."

It's not enough to just have a revolution it will all just turn back into the same thing all over again.  People have to change from the inside for the change to be permanent. They have to realize that they are doing the wrong thing and they must have a desire to fix it. So we have to help the rich too. I know many are intelligent and informed. But we all get caught up in our little tide pool realities and we forget to look out at the ocean until a friendly fish says  "I know your hungry here is some food over here in this other tide pool. "

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